I wonder if these observations have any implications for the viability of longitudinal work in XPhi? On one hand, if people are hyper sensitive to the experimental context, it may be difficult to say whether changes in response patterns over time are due to changes in the underlying disposition. On the other hand, if people were not so sensitive, you might worry that repeated questioning over time was effectively “training” people in philosophical reasoning, such that by the end of the study age/stage of life was confounded by philosophical training.
I wonder if these observations have any implications for the viability of longitudinal work in XPhi? On one hand, if people are hyper sensitive to the experimental context, it may be difficult to say whether changes in response patterns over time are due to changes in the underlying disposition. On the other hand, if people were not so sensitive, you might worry that repeated questioning over time was effectively “training” people in philosophical reasoning, such that by the end of the study age/stage of life was confounded by philosophical training.